User Details

This page will show you detailed information about a single user object.

User Summary

Status information

The User Summary include some glanceable information about the status of a user object:

  • Enabled - The user is not blocked from sign in

  • Member - The user is a native user in this tenant/organization

  • Guest - This is an external user from a different organization

  • DE/US... - Two letter code designating the user's usage location which is relevant for licensing.

Overview Tab

Main tab, showing you a host on information about the user, including owned devices and group memberships.

Runbooks Tab

If you have been given Supporter or Admin-Permissions, this gives you access to runbooks that can be executed on this user object. For example to change an email-address for a user.

See Process Automation for more information.

Settings Tab

You can assign Key-Value pairs of data to specific users to control RealmJoin Clients behavior for this user.

Most of the time this is used to overwrite settings configure on a group or for all users.

Settings overview on a user

You can add a setting assigned to this user using , alternatively open an existing setting by clicking on its name/key or search for a setting by name/key.

Clicking a name/key will open a UI allowing you to manipulate/create the setting.

Setting editor

Be aware: The value of the setting must be valid JSON, which includes singular values like true or strings (without brackets).

The switches in the lower half of the wizard allow scoping this setting to certain scenarios like VDI / Windows365 machines.

Please see Available Settings for more information on which settings can be used.

Other Tabs

  • Raw data sources, like Entra ID, Sign in logs etc display in JSON. Only available for RealmJoin administrators.

Last updated