Runbook Job Details


RealmJoin Portal allows you to view runbooks jobs from Azure Automation.

Runbook Job Details

On the left side of the page you will find metadata about the runbook job, its type/context, job ID and its caller.

Be aware, "caller" is only present when runbooks are RealmJoin-aware and report this information, as Azure Automation has no concept for this.

On the right, you will find multiple tabs, representing:


This will show a live feed of the runbooks output. In contrast to Azure Automation, output of a runbook is readable in real time.

Using "Copy to Clipboard" you can copy the full output to use it e.g. in a service/ITIL ticket system.


Review the parameters used to start the runbook job.

Runbook Job Parameters

Errors and Warnings

If present, warnings and errors which are not part of regular output will be shown in these two tabs.

Runbook Job Warnings


If the PowerShell script of the runbook threw an exception (and the runbook thus failed), you can review the Exception here.

Exceptions will also be shown above the regular output in Console if present to simplify identifying problems.

Exception shown in Console


This allows you to review the runbooks source code associated with this job.

Runbook Source

Last updated