Naming Conventions

Filenames in Github

We expect a certain file and naming structure in the shared runbook repository. RealmJoin will import these folders and files from GitHub into the customers Azure Automation Account.

Dashes ("-") will be converted into spaces. Folders are used to separate runbooks into "context" and "category", e.g. user\general. File names should be describing the purpose of the script.

All imported runbooks have a prefix of rjgit-, followed by the context, either org, group, user then category, for example _general_, _security_, _mail_ and the name of the script itself like add-additional-alias.


A runbook in Github in user\general named add-additional-alias.ps1 will be shown as:

  • rjgit-user_general_add-additional-alias in the Azure Automation Account

  • "Add Additional Alias" in the RealmJoin Portal on a User object in the runbook category "General".

Common categories

  • General

  • Security

  • Mail

  • Userinfo

You can define additional categories, but not contexts.

What is the purpose of this?

This allows to automagically fill and name the runbooks in the RealmJoin Portal. Also, the rjgit- prefix allows to avoid naming conflicts with local/customer runbooks. Runbooks not having this prefix will not be touched by RealmJoin's import logic.

Private / Customer-specific Runbooks

You can host private (local) runbooks in your Azure Automation Account. These runbooks will appear in RealmJoin Portal just like the shared runbooks. Local runbooks will not be touched by our sync process and will not be visible to other customers.

To create a local runbook, remove the rjgit- prefix from the naming convention while keeping the rest of the naming structure intact.

Example: You want to offer a runbook "Private Runbook" in the context of Azure AD groups and the category "General". You would name it group_general_private-runbook in your Azure Automation Account.

This will look like this in Azure Automation:

It will be presented in RealmJoin Portal as:

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