Simulating a Runbook Environment

To develop new runbooks, you might need to enable RealmJoin.RunbookHelper to authenticate as if you were running inside a Runbook.


Create an Application Registration

We create an Azure Application Registration to simulate the application-style signin to Microsoft Entra.

Create an App Registration

Grant Permissions

We will grant the same permissions as the managed identity would have. We will use the same AppRoleGranter Toolkit for this purpose.

Replace {AppRegObjectId} with the object ID of your application registration.

git clone
cd "approle-and-directoryrole-granter\RealmJoinVnext"
. .\AllInOne.ps1 -appRegObjectId "{AppRegObjectId}"

Create and Upload a Dev-Certificate

See here for a sample on how to create a RunbookHelper Dev-Certificate. Replace {Variables} accordingly.

The {AppID} refers to the Application Regsitrations App / Client ID.

If you don't have a specific subscription ID, just use a default subscription from your tenant. (It doesn't matter in most cases.)

New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject 'CN=AzureRunAsConnection, OU={AppID}, DC={TenantID}, O={SubscriptionID}' `
    -CertStoreLocation "cert:\CurrentUser\My" -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(10) -KeySpec Signature | `
    Export-Certificate -FilePath "AzureRunAsConnection.cer"

You will get a file AzureRunAsConnection.cer that you upload to the Application Registration secrets.

If you want to serve multiple apps / environments, you can replace the default "AzureRunAsConnection" inCN=AzureRunAsConnection with a custom name when creating the certificate for that environment.

You can then select which the environment/certificate (e.g. "OtherEnv") to connect using Connect-RjRbGraph -AutomationConnectionName "OtherEnv"

This way you can access multiple environments from the same machine.

Certificate upload


Just use Connect-RjRbGraph to authenticate to the app.

Make sure to remove older Dev-Certificates using mmc.exe from your set of personal certificates if present to avoid conflicts/login failures.

Last updated