Simulating a Runbook environment

To develop new runbooks, you might need to enable RealmJoin.RunbookHelper to authenticate as if you were running inside a Runbook.


Create an Application Registration

We create an Azure Application Registration to simulate the application-style signin to Microsoft Entra.

Grant Permissions

We will grant the same permissions as the managed identity would have. We will use the same AppRoleGranter Toolkit for this purpose.

Replace {AppRegObjectId} with the object ID of your application registration.

git clone
cd "approle-and-directoryrole-granter\RealmJoinVnext"
. .\AllInOne.ps1 -appRegObjectId "{AppRegObjectId}"

Create and Upload a Dev-Certificate

See here for a sample on how to create a RunbookHelper Dev-Certificate. Replace {Variables} accordingly.

The {AppID} refers to the Application Regsitrations App / Client ID.

If you don't have a specific subscription ID, just use a default subscription from your tenant. (It doesn't matter in most cases.)

New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject 'CN=AzureRunAsConnection, OU={AppID}, DC={TenantID}, O={SubscriptionID}' `
    -CertStoreLocation "cert:\CurrentUser\My" -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(10) -KeySpec Signature | `
    Export-Certificate -FilePath "AzureRunAsConnection.cer"

You will get a file AzureRunAsConnection.cer that you upload to the Application Registration secrets.

If you want to serve multiple apps / environments, you can replace the default "AzureRunAsConnection" inCN=AzureRunAsConnection with a custom name when creating the certificate for that environment.

You can then select which the environment/certificate (e.g. "OtherEnv") to connect using Connect-RjRbGraph -AutomationConnectionName "OtherEnv"

This way you can access multiple environments from the same machine.


Just use Connect-RjRbGraph to authenticate to the app.

Make sure to remove older Dev-Certificates using mmc.exe from your set of personal certificates if present to avoid conflicts/login failures.

Last updated