User, Group and Device Lists

Selecting the Users, Groups or Devices tab offers administrators a simple way to search or review users in their environment. Clicking the name of a user, group or device object will lead you to the respective object's details page.

Object Types

User, Group and Device object types are separated in the same manner as Entra ID:

Users include:

  • Entra ID user objects

  • Entra ID external users, a.k.a. Guests

  • Shared mailboxes

  • Room and Equipment mailboxes

  • Administrative user accounts


You can use the filters above the list to limit search results to specific User, Group or Device objects:

User Type

  • Any - Both Members and Guests are displayed

  • Members - Users native to your tenant (default)

  • Guests - Azure B2B Guests invited from other tenants

ADM Accounts

  • Any - Displays all user accounts (default)

  • ADM - Filter to only show users whose DisplayName starts with "ADM" (admin accounts)

  • Non-ADM - Negation of the "ADM" Filter

Data completeness

  • Any - Show users with both complete and missing data (default)

  • No Data - Show only users with missing data in "job title", "city" or "country"

Last updated