Package Store

RealmJoin Portal has access to a large library of ready-to-use packages for Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune) maintend by glueckkanja AG (GK).

This page will list all packages available to your organization.


Packages are sorted into categories to simplify searching/exploring the catalogue. The categories are displayed as tags on the package. Example categories are Tools, Office, Driver

You can use the searchbar at the top to search for a package by:

  • Display name - e.g. "7-Zip"

  • Category - like "Tools" or "Office"

  • Description - like "7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver"

  • Package ID - e.g. "generic-7zip" (visible via Package Details)

The search updates results instantly as you type.

Package Types

Every package falls in at least one of the following categories. The banner on the right side of a package is color-coded accordingly.

Maintained Packages

GK will provide new versions / updates for this package on a regular basis.

This package is available for provisioning via Intune / Package Management. Automatic package management can be applied to keep the software delivered by this package permanentely up-to-date in your environment.

Unmaintained Package

This package is not maintained. It is available for provisioning via Intune / Package Management but will not necessarily be kept up-to-date.

Free Package

Packages that are based on freely available software titles. Please review and respect the individual titles licensing terms.

This package is available for provisioning via Intune / Package Management.

Craft Package

Packages that operate outside of some standard packaging practises. For example, installations in the user's context instead of system context are done via "Craft" packages.

In the context of RealmJoin Classic / Agent based installation - these packages to not use the "choco" engine.

Most of these packages are available for provisioning via Intune / Package Management.

Custom Package

In contrast to the former types of packages, this kind of package is not globally available to all customers. In most cases this is a custom software package created specifically for your environment.

This package is available for provisioning via Intune / Package Management.

Full vs. Limited Catalogue of Packages

If you recently self-onboarded into RealmJoin or do not have a subscription/licensing agreement yet, the list of software packages will be limited to a free-to-use subset of packages. Please contact us to enable the full catalogue of packages for your organization.

Last updated