Logfiles Structure

Detailed explanation of the different log files collected by RealmJoin

User-Context Logfiles

The user-context logfiles written by RealmJoin can be found in %LOCALAPPDATA\RealmJoin. This folder contains tray.log files and the subfolder Logs.


The tray.log files are written by the RealmJoin tray application, which is running in the logged on users session. tray.log is the most-recent log file, older ones are suffixed with an ascending number, where the highest number is the second-most recent log file. The lower the number, the older the log file.

The tray.log includes information about various tasks carried out by the RealmJoin tray application:

  • Information about assigned packages, including dependencies, order, contraints, planned operations, restrictions

  • Package inventory with status (Installed, Outdated, NotInstalled)

  • Running and completed deployment phases

  • RealmJoin config and client updates

  • RealmJoin tray startup information

  • Changes to LAPS accounts

  • Commandline output from user context installation packages.

Logs subfolder

In the %LOCALAPPDATA\RealmJoin\Logs folder you may find folders named like package IDs. Only craft packages running in user context will potentially write individual setup logs in this folder. As this is not always the case, this folder may also be empty. If the user craft installation included a MSI or EXE file, you maybe able to find setup logs inside the corresponding package folder.

Chocolatey Logfiles

The chocolatey log files are written to C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\. There are two different log files chocolatey.log and choco.summary.log. As the choco.summary.log only includes basic information, solely chocolatey.log is used for troubleshooting.

System-Context Logfiles

The system-context log files are located inside C:\WINDOWS\Logs. Inside the folder you will find realmjoin.log files as well as the RealmJoin folder.


The realmjoin.log files are written by the RealmJoin CloudConnector service, which is started on-demand by the RealmJoin tray application. The RealmJoin CloudConnector service is running in the Local Sytem account. realmjoin.log is the most-recent log file, older ones are suffixed with an ascending number, where the highest number is the second-most recect log file. The lower the number, the older the log file.

As the realmjoin.log file contains information from the RealmJoin service, it includes logs about tasks that need to be executed with system priviliges:

  • RealmJoin service startup information

  • Creation and deletion of LAPS accounts

  • Commandline output from system context / choco installation packages.

Logs folder

In the C:\WINDOWS\Logs\RealmJoin\Packages folder you will find folders named like package IDs. If supported by the setup file and package, logs written by the setup file will be found in the equivalent folder. The logfilename will usually include the timestamp of the installation, package id, setup filename, package version and the action taken (install/uninstall). As this is not always the case, these (sub)folders may also be empty.

Last updated